6 December 2012

Latest loris update from International Animal Rescue’s primate rehabilitation centre in West Java

Mawar is on the road to recovery
by vet Wendi Prameswari

Do you remember the story of poor Mawar the slow loris back in October? She was found with a severe injury to her hand which resulted in her having to have it amputated. It’s been two months since then and thankfully the wound is healing nicely. The skin over the wound is closing really well and new hair is starting to grow. Mawar’s appetite is good, she is active in the cage and her body weight is now 1 kg. For the time being, we are still keeping her under observation and continuing her rehabilitation so that she learns to adapt to her disability.  
Two months on from the amputation op and Mawar is doing well.
Read Mawar's story here.

For more information on International Animal Rescue's work with the slow loris, click here

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