A bright future ahead for female loris Maripili
by vet
Wendi Prameswari
Maripili in her cage |
Last week
an awareness team from the IAR centre in Ciapus visited a loris owner in North
Jakarta. Our purpose was to visit the owner and check the health and welfare
conditions of the loris. The owner had been keeping the loris as a pet in a
small cage for seven months. The loris was identified as a female Javan
loris and we called her Maripili. As she has a full set of teeth, our team
decided to take her to our rehabilitation centre. Her health check results
showed that she was suffering from malnutrition and her body weight was only
600 grams. We hope that after the rehabilitation process, she can be released
back to the wild.
female Cookie also settles in well
by Johanna Rhode of the
Little Fireface Project
Cookie is now in the biggest cage |
Good news!!! Our
beautiful subadult female "Cookie" has made a head start at the IAR rescue
centre. When we found her in the field, she was so lost and confused; walking
on the ground in the village during the day. She was also very skinny.
We brought her to the rescue centre where she ate all the food in
her new quarantine cage already in the first evening. Now she has already been moved
to the biggest cage in the centre and she is doing amazingly well! Next step
will be to introduce her to a nice loris friend for socialisation! Let's hope
she continues becoming a fantastic and skilled slow loris, so that we can
release her one day to live in her forest home again one day.
For more information on International Animal Rescue's slow loris project, please click here.