11 May 2012

Education and awareness-raising activities in Indonesia

Volunteer Tine Rattel reports...

Information stand at a local animal market
International Animal Rescue recognises the importance of public education as an integral part of conservation outreach, with the ultimate aim of changing attitudes to conservation, resulting in pro-conservation behaviour.

Part of our education and awareness-raising involves analysing local people’s attitudes, knowledge and values concerning animal welfare and conservation. Our efforts focus on expanding the community’s capacity to improve environmental quality by educating both children and adults. The fundamental aim of our education efforts is that pro-conservation behaviour will be adopted within those communities currently exploiting natural resources, in the form of a reduction of resource extraction to sustainable levels and the elimination of illegal activities such as hunting of endangered wildlife. The central message we disseminate is that people need to protect their environment to ensure that successive generations have a chance for a good future, with the same ecosystem services they rely on. We encourage people of every age within and outside their community to work collectively by addressing their common interests.

The public sign a pledge to not buy a slow loris
Our long-term aim is to balance the inevitable conflict between short-term needs of local people and long-term benefits that conservation programmes can generate. If local people and the government recognise that preserving the environment provides socio-economic benefits, rainforests will survive as functional ecosystems, and the future of their inhabitants will be secured.

Our Education and Awareness Coordinator, Indri Hapsari, is currently focusing on community education aimed at children from ages of 10 up to 18 by giving presentations about biodiversity conservation and animal welfare at schools and our Slow Loris Awareness Campaign Coordinator, Indah Winarti is carrying out awareness activities by having information stands at local markets in the cities and at universities, as well as giving workshops in villages in habitat areas. Both are additionally raising awareness by providing important information and answering questions about the wildlife trade and conservation issues using social media like Facebook and Twitter.

Raising the profile of the plight of the slow loris
Engaging with young people to facilitate their personal, social and educational development and encourage them to become an active member of our awareness activities is a vital part of our work. We believe that educating the future generation at a young age to appreciate and conserve wild species will increase the effectiveness of our programme.

Another important part of our Slow Loris Awareness Campaign is to conduct seminars for governmental authorities to increase the awareness for this low-profile species.

Posters at a local market
There are three species of slow loris in Indonesia and all are threatened with extinction. The Javan slow loris has even been included in the “IUCN Red List of 25 Most Endangered Primates of the World”. Whilst habitat loss was once deemed the major threat to the survival of the slow loris, it has recently been suggested that trade, both for the pet market and traditional medicine, is having the greater impact on population numbers. Despite the national and international laws prohibiting the trade in slow lorises, they are sold openly in animal markets throughout Indonesia. The following-through of law enforcement is essential if current legal protection for Indonesian wildlife is to be effective.

See more pictures of our awareness building activities
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3 May 2012

In spite of her traumatic past, Peni is a happy, healthy, playful girl

Vet Jesus Mayoral provides an encouraging update on Peni, who was rescued from a horrific situation by our team in 2010...

Peni with her mother before her rescue.
Photo: Feri Latief
Peni was brought to IAR’s Centre in Ketapang at the end of October 2010. Despite starvation and the horrendous experience she had been through, she was in reasonably good physical condition when she arrived. IAR’s vets performed every routine test necessary to have a better picture of her physical condition. That was the first step to rehabilitate her, the easy one.

Peni now! Photo: Julie O'Neill
For Peni, and also for all the people involved in her rehabilitation, the most difficult task was to overcome the psycological trauma, but thanks to her strong nature and the company of fellow females Susi, Prima and Helen she did really well from the beginning.

During this year and a half she has been very healthy (just a minor flu last January) and playful. She likes to vocalise and show her emotions in this way. Recently she lost her upper milk incisors, which is the normal process at her age. Dentition is the clue to know the age of babies and children but it is not 100% accurate. Anyway, the loss of these teeth seems to confirm our initial guess. By now she must be around 6 years old, a healthy, strong girl, full of life, who hopefully will be ready before too long to go back to the forest!