11 September 2012

Update on new arrivals Rickina, Roy and Johnny

By vet Silje Robertsen
Last Saturday we received two new animals that had been confiscated by the forestry department in Pontianak, the capital of West Kalimantan. We do not have much information about their captive living conditions, but they were not confiscated from the same owner though both are in good physical health.

Roy is a young male of about 3-4 years and unfortunately seems very habituated to humans indicating that he probably was taken from his mother at a very young age and has been living in captivity ever since.

Johnny is a few years older than Roy and a bit “rough around the edges”, but still very habituated to humans indicating the same early life fate as Roy. They are both placed in our quarantine cages and their group placement will be decided after the health screening and the quarantine period is successfully completed.

Rickina, who was rescued a few weeks back and was suffering from a skin wound on the head, is showing good improvement. The wound is almost completely healed and she is a very active and independent young orangutan.