13 June 2011

Our 11 new orangutans soon settle in

PrimaTeam vet Jenny Jaffe updates us on the new arrivals at International Animal Rescue's orangutan centre in Ketapang, West Kalimantan.

The rescue centre in Ketapang has been going through some quick changes in the last month. We took in 11 new orangutans in one go, so a lot of preparation was needed to receive them and it is a bit busier now. All of the new animals have already had their thorough health check (under anaesthesia) and are settling in well in their new environment.

There are five youngsters called Pungky, Momo, Mimi, Prima and Pinoh. They are very lively and active, and have amazed me by already being able to open a huge coconut on their own.

RajaThe adults are Pingky, Suki, Neng, Cinta (all female) and Raja and Jimo (males). Raja is very strong and people passing by the cage have to keep a good eye on him as he does like grabbing your t-shirt to pull you closer to the cage. And then its a bit of a challenge to get him to let go!

A huge new enclosure has been prepared at the back of the transit centre. The orangutans that were getting a bit too boisterous for the baby school have already been moved there (Bunga, Cindy, Melky). When the new youngsters have passed their quarantine period, they can get to know their new friends and make the most of their new home by swinging on the ropes and through the trees. It is not yet the forest environment that we have envisioned for them, but it is already a step in the right direction.

You can take part in IAR's exciting project to build a brand new rehab centre for orangutans in West Kalimantan. This is a one in a lifetime opportunity, so book now to avoid disappointment!